Août 24, 2016 | Non classé
We join forces with a lot of prestigious engineering schools and university around the world as UCLA to get things done. All the good will are welcome through customize and flexible partnership in order
Août 4, 2016 | Non classé
By Michael Schriber, source usa-today It gives new meaning to the term « housecall », but aquanauts aboard NASA’s undersea research station, Aquarius, have performed simulated medical procedures with the help of a Canadian doctor 1300 miles away. The 11-day...
Juin 21, 2016 | Non classé
About NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) A NEEMO 14 aquanaut practices shoveling underwater, just as an astronaut would shovel to collect soil samples on another planet. Credits: NASA NEEMO – the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations...
Juin 17, 2016 | Non classé
In november 2015, une dlgation de scientifiques c’est dplace en polynesie francaise pour participer au workshop organis par l’association HUS Human Underwater Society, les mdias locaux taient de la partie Rendez vous 5’46 »